I got to spend 2 weekends in a row with my amazing sisters. Chelsea's bridal shower went great! The food was amazing and we had ladies from all walks of Chelsea's life. This last weekend was Rob's retirement party. 38 years with one company- amazing! He had a great time when we finished the night off with a roast! Lots of great comments from family, co-workers and friends to tribute rob's hard work at Edison after all these years. Clay and I bartended...again! It' a great way to meet everyone at the party! :) And not too hard of a job when there's only beer, wine and margaritas!
Mother's Day was the next day and with Chelsea in Coalinga with Jeremy, it was just me, my mom and Rob left to celebrate! I met them at a little sushi place in Placentia. It was sooo good but we definitely had eyes bigger than our stomachs! Rob didn't even want dessert, which rarely ever happens! It was great to get together and have a quiet dinner after all the craziness the last few weekends! Both my mom and Rob have been working extremely hard to get the house ready for Rob's retirement party and the wedding in June. Their efforts definitely do not go unnoticed- the house/yard look the best they have in 25 years! It will be so exciting to have or close family and friends there for Chelsea's reception!
On that note...time to hit the gym- I have a dress to fit into in 2 weeks! Vegas wedding on the 29th- my friends from Santa Barbara are getting married! <3